Sunday, December 18, 2016

Yesterday afternoon my husband, Jon, and I encountered a situation that many of us fear: An accident with power equipment.

Just before finishing-up with snow removal, Jon got his hand lodged in the auger mechanism of our snow-blower. He now has 15 external stitches, a few internal stitches to mend a lacerated tendon, two fractured fingertips, one broken fingertip, and a prospective six to eight week "vacation" from work.

Amazingly, however, the entire time that we were in the Emergency Room I was not focused on the injury, but was overcome by God's grace! The knowledge His comforting presence and omnipotence remains with me this morning.

As we waited for the doctor to work on Jon's hand and determine the necessary course for recovery, I had an inner peace as God revealed to me His many blessings in this situation:

1) If the Lord hadn't prompted Jon to put on a pair of heavy leather gloves that he usually does not wear when using the snow-blower, Jon would have lost his fingers completely.

2) The volunteer EMTs who arrived at our home were calm, knowledgeable, patient, and comforting.

3) My cousin, Ryan, saw emergency vehicles in our driveway and came over to help calm our children, take care of our dog, and make sure that our woodstove and other household items were tended to.

4) My parents were home and able to pick-up the kids so they wouldn't have to travel to the hospital, but instead could go someplace where they felt comfortable and would be assured of Jon's wellbeing.

5) Each of the Emergency Room personnel who worked with Jon was extremely gifted in their work, very caring, and straightforward enough that Jon made the best decisions for his care.

6) Despite some seriously bad weather earlier in the day, the roads were perfectly clear and safe for our trip to the hospital.

I'm sure that, over time, I will discover many other ways that God was working in our lives yesterday afternoon - that knowledge is just one more reason for me to praise Him!

My mouth will speak in praise of the Lord.
Let every creature praise his holy name for ever and ever.
Psalm 145 (verse 21)
-Trish Gerstel